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Aim Your Portfolio for +25% per Year and More.

  • All Buys and Sells from Zacks' Long-Term Portfolios
  • $1 for 1 Month
  • Not a Cent of Further Obligation
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Member Benefits

  • Full access to all long-term buy and sell signals
  • Timely commentary and market insights from each investing service.
  • Unique full-refund unconditional guarantee!

Fellow Investor,

Today I am letting you in on an opportunity that thousands of Zacks members have already taken advantage of. But thousands more have hesitated because they think there must be some sort of "catch."

So let me put all my cards on the table.

Starting today, I am opening up to you...

  • All the real-time buy and sell signals from
  • All of our long-term investor portfolios, plus
  • All of our premium research tools and reports for finding your own winning stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds.

All for a full month at a grand total cost of just $1. And not 1 cent of additional obligation.

Let me put this another way:

Over the next 30 days, you can now actually "lock down" all of our long-term, high-upside stock recommendations from exclusive portfolios like the Value Investor, Income Plus Investor, and the very popular Stocks Under $10 portfolio that cannot be accessed on our free web site.

And here's a fact that makes this opportunity even more compelling: Stocks have certainly proven to be the best investment in the long run.

For example, one study showed that since 1928, average annual stock returns have nearly doubled bonds and almost tripled T. Bills.

However (and this is the important part) we aren't offering you average or ordinary stocks.

These are the special stocks to buy. They are based upon our proprietary stock-rating system, the Zacks Rank which has racked up average gains of +25% per year from 1988 through 2016. That amazing performance has been examined and attested by Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP,* an independent accounting firm.

So why am I giving you our best long-term picks for only $1?

Because these proven results give me a steadfast conviction, that once you start using our profitable trades from all of our long-term portfolios...

it will become a very hard habit to break.

In other words, you will want to continue beyond one month because our Zacks Rank stock-picking system flat-out works. It has worked for more than a quarter century. It has worked through bullish, bearish, and range-bound markets.

In fact, despite three full-blown recessions and numerous bear markets, our system has more than doubled the S&P 500.

Think about it. How many money managers, brokerage firms, mutual funds, or investment newsletters can substantiate a return like that?

What can +23.7% per year mean to you and your portfolio?

S&P 500 vs. Zacks Rank
$451,426 S&P
$24,028,739 Zacks
Based on $10,000 initial investment. Results are from January 1, 1988 through August 5, 2024 and exclusive of fees, with monthly rebalancing. For more details, visit The S&P 500 index is produced by McGraw Hill.

If you invested just $10,000 in the S&P 500 in 1988 and rebalanced it monthly, you would have more than $450,000 today. Quite a nice gain.

But suppose instead you had put that same $10,000 into our Zacks Rank system, it could have compounded to more than $24.0 million dollars.

A truly life-changing difference.

Why does the Zacks Rank system work so well?

It's unbiased and purely mathematical. It doesn't depend on someone's whim or on which CEOs are appearing on TV. Instead, our formula is based on what researchers have proven to be the most powerful force that impacts stock prices: Earnings Estimate Revisions.

To find them, we constantly monitor 3,000+ analysts at more than 150 brokerage firms. When they revise their earnings estimates upward for a company, its stock price tends to rise significantly over the next one to three months.

That's the central truth that animates the Zacks Rank. And I am confident that you will want to take advantage of it, not just for one month, but for many years to come.

But, first things first. Starting now, for only $1, you may sample all of our long-term portfolio strategies that harness the power of the Zacks Rank and Earnings Estimate Revisions.

You get all this and more for just $1 from the "Zacks Investor Collection" bundle of services that is perfectly suited for long-term investors.

Here's a glimpse of the portfolio email alerts that will be available to you.1

Stocks Under $10

Get full access to a portfolio that is so exclusive it cannot be subscribed to directly. This service finds companies with low share prices that have vastly improving fundamentals and earnings outlooks. Then we apply the Zacks Rank and other key metrics to narrow down to those rare few stocks with the most explosive upside potential.

Buy early when the rest of Wall Street is still asleep at the wheel, and then ride these winners for maximum long-term gains.

Home Run Investor

Winning Home Runs:

Turn up the best Zacks Rank growth stocks for the long haul. This portfolio discovers companies with robust earnings momentum that leads to a string of quarterly earnings surprises and a thriving share price.

Value Investor

Value Winners:

Track stocks that are selling at 25-50% discounts and pounce just as the market is starting to notice their attractiveness. This portfolio patiently rides winners to their maximum long-term potential.

ETF Investor

Focus on a select handful of Exchange Traded Funds to pursue maximum gains. This portfolio will pinpoint the most promising market trends with the very best ETFs to ride them, without added risk and fees from buying stocks individually.

Income Investor

Income Investor Winners:

Leverage the Zacks Rank to find the best dividend-paying stocks for the long haul. Toss in some selected income-producing investments and you get outperformance with a smoother ride and lower risk.

Zacks Top 10 Stocks


Receive our annual service that provides the best buy and hold picks for the year ahead.

Zacks Premium

Command an array of professional-strength tools that are easy to use for individual investors. Use them to evaluate your portfolio, find better stocks and funds, and track your investments to sell when the time is right.

Zacks Confidential

This weekly briefing reveals the "Best of the Best" from our team of investment experts. Not only do they give you their most timely investment strategies, but also 2 to 3 of their top recommendations.

This is an exclusive service and cannot be subscribed to directly.

So what happens after your 30-day access is over?

Now you might well be thinking, "Aha, here comes The Catch." Well, there really isn't one. You don't have to spend another cent.

We offer the Zacks Investor Collection to you simply because we want it to be your "investing showroom."

There you can look "under the hood" of our high-performance portfolio services that are perfectly suited for long-term investors. Then you may join the ones that suit you best. Or join none of them. The choice is entirely up to you.

Will this be hard work? Will you receive too much information? Not at all.

During the next 30 days you can focus on the real-time recommendations of just a couple strategies...or peek inside them all. The point is that you can test drive whatever interests you and leave the rest behind.

And if you have any questions, or need any help sorting out which portfolios are best for you, then just pick up the phone to call us. You will speak with a real person who can give you the exact information you need. It's like having a personal guide to help you zero in on the services that match your personal investing goals.

And then, after your 1 month trial, you have three simple choices:

  • 1. Walk out of the showroom anytime you please...and don't pay one cent more.
  • 2. Continue your subscription to our long-term Zacks Investor Collection for only $59 a month.
  • 3. Join just one or more of the individual portfolios on an ala carte basis.

Once again, the choice is entirely up to you.

Backed by 2 Airtight Guarantees

Satisfaction Guarantee Shield

And don't worry, you are covered by a Satisfaction Guarantee. You may cancel up to 90 days after your trial is over. And if you feel we have not exceeded your expectations, then we will refund every last cent - including the $1 you paid for the trial. No problem.

But that isn't the half of it.

Perfomance Guarantee Shield

You're also backed by a full-year, money-back Performance Guarantee. Details. That means if we don't help you beat the market, we don't deserve your money.

No one else offers a combination of money-back assurances like these. That's because no one else has a proven system like the Zacks Rank that beats the market so consistently, year after year.

Join online right now or call us M-F 10am-6pm ET at 1.888.775.8348. Outside the U.S., 1.312.265.9309.

Don't miss this chance to sample all of our strategies that are designed for big long-term gains regardless of market direction, regardless of volatility.

Over the next 30 days, I look forward to helping you discover the profound market-beating impact that having a steadier stream of winning picks will make on your portfolio.

Thank you, and good investing,
Kevin Matras's Signature

Kevin Matras
Executive Vice President
Zacks Investment Research