Will You Profit from the Next Car Breakthrough?

Sometimes it is hard to discern what is a fad and what is a paradigm shift that will cause every consumer to take notice. We are on the verge of one of those big shifts. The wheels are already in motion and to profit from it you must look at every angle.

One bandwagon that has a lot of supporters behind it is the electric car. This is much more than a fad and the developments made by one company have the entire industry taking notice. The technological advances from this car are vast, but the big ones are only just now making an impact.

The fact is, implementation of technology in a very old industry takes a lot of time. It probably all started with the "AUX" input that still baffles some. The road to riches is tantalizingly close, but we have to make sure to avoid the potholes that litter the path.

Moore's Law

Semiconductors execute commands at super high speeds, but it wasn't always this way. Chips were slow and cumbersome. Back in the early days, there was little that was "micro" about them. Gordon Moore was the co-founder of a massive microchip company and in 1965 he stated that there is a doubling of capabilities every year.

The concept was sorely missed in the auto industry. About 20 years ago, Bill Gates said that if the auto industry kept pace with technology we would be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon. The offhand remark was met with a humorous retort from an automaker, but what is going on now is not funny at all. It is serious business.

Continued . . .


Roadmap to Mega-Profits

Zacks has released a Special Report that names an emerging technology that is sparking a full-blown revolution in the auto industry. Demand is expected to explode from virtually zero to $42 billion by 2025. The report also names 5 surprising stocks to target maximum gains from this new tech.

Don't wait to download the report. This opportunity ends midnight Sunday, August 5.

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Changes are at hand in the auto industry. Big changes. These changes go well beyond syncing your phone to your car radio. They are so much more than just being a connected car with its own internet service to alert you of a new email. This goes far beyond the dawn of the electric car for the mass market.

Recognize The Inevitable

Tech has only recently come to cars. The Bluetooth connects have been around for a while, but much more serious developments are in the works for models coming out later this year and beyond. The wheels of change are already in motion.

The business models for the major automakers are being disrupted. The old idea of you need a car if you are even slightly removed from an urban center is dying. Ride sharing services have already proven to be disruptors of transportation service companies, but what will be their impact on the next generation of technological advances in the auto industry? Some have said that these new developments could change how consumers perceive ownership of cars, and that could be huge.

Billions upon billions of dollars are on the line. The ride sharing companies have been backed by some of the biggest venture capital firms and one has even secured funding from an automaker as well. The companies that have already made inroads in these new areas are immense. They have billions at their disposal and most have already invested hundreds of millions. The winners stand to post huge profits.

The Contenders vs The Pretenders

Chrissie Hynde and her band "The Pretenders" were in their heyday back in the mid 80s and that was about the same time the auto makers were living large. Few if any advances were added to new models and consumers had no idea what to expect next. Now the story has changed.

Inroads have already been made by some of the biggest players in the space. These are not the pretenders, these truly are the contenders. Some of the world's biggest tech companies, both hardware and software providers, are jockeying for a position in this nascent market.

The question becomes is there a stealth idea out there that just might trump all the other plays? Something that comes out of left field, and almost the type of thing that makes you say "I should have thought of that!" There are few of those out there, but in my opinion there is only one that makes a lot of sense.

Catching A Phenomenon At The Right Time

We already know that autonomous cars are hitting the road and it is inevitable that their numbers will only increase. Some projections put the number of autonomous cars in service in 2021 at more than 140,000. This could prove to be a very conservative estimate for a market projected to be larger than $42B by 2025.

The time for investors to start getting aboard this emerging technology is now. That is why Zacks has released a Special Report, Driverless Cars: Your Roadmap to Mega-Profits.

In it, I show why 2018 looks to be a pivotal year for the industry, and which 5 stocks to ride over the next few years. These companies are not even in the auto industry per se, and yet their contributions to the emergence of driverless cars gives them enormous profit potential.

Please note that the deadline to download this report is midnight Sunday, August 5. I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity today.

Check out these 5 stocks right now >>

Good Investing,


Brian Bolan is Zacks' aggressive growth expert and the editor of Zacks Technology Innovators portfolio.

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