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 Zacks Career Opportunities
Alternative Data Sales
Zacks Investment Research

    Zacks Investment Research, the 2nd largest provider of Independent US Equity Research is expanding its services and is looking for an experienced salesperson who has successfully sold investment information, equity research, web hosting services, or alt data to on line trading firms and investment web sites.

    Exceptional candidates with experience outside of the Market Data industry will be considered but the ideal candidate has likely worked in a sales or sales manager role for Refinitiv, Thomson Reuters, Factset, Bloomberg, S&P Cap IQ, Morningstar or similar or predecessor or market data provider.

    The position offers an opportunity to work with our team that has created a suite of highly competitive products in the financial market. We have a great work/life balance, weekly team meetings, and a casual working environment with professional work ethics. Compensation includes base salary plus commission and offers health, vision and dental insurance


    Who is Zacks

    The Zacks Group of companies consists of Zacks Investment Research (ZIR ), Zacks Investment Management (ZIM ), and Zacks Trade.

    ZIR, founded in 1978 is the 2nd largest provider of independent stock, Mutual fund and ETF research in the US. The Professional Services Division of ZIR is one of the largest providers of software analytics and investment data to professional investors. The Division of ZIR operates one of the most widely used investment information sites on the web and provides active self-directed individual investors with research and investment tools designed to help them become more successful traders and investors.

    ZIM, our wealth management firm, is an SEC registered RIA that manages over $5 Billion for high net worth individuals and institutions interested in long term value creation. Zacks Trade our broker dealer provides discount brokerage services to both active individual traders and to long term investors.

    How to Contact Us

    Click here to ApplyNo phone call or agencies please

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