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Zacks Industry Rank Analysis: Archive

John Blank

Cheap Oil Tailwinds Make for Great Stock Picks

Suddenly, trips to the beach or to go skiing, or a long-planned tour, become more affordable with cheap gasoline prices.

SHWPositive Net Change CTBPositive Net Change VLRSNegative Net Change

John Blank

Don't Chase Growth Priced for Perfection: 2016 Semi Outlook

Patience with semi trading should shape your route to more successful share buying.

MLNXPositive Net Change IFNNYPositive Net Change IDTINo Net Change

John Blank

Black Friday Outlook: Zacks Industry Analysis

The classics -- sending flowers or gourmet foods, or renting a movie, or going on a trip to the Tropics -- remain in vogue this Xmas season.

HANo Net Change FLWSPositive Net Change

John Blank

Buy into Mining without Jumping on a Grenade

Iron Ore miners get high Zacks Industry Rank marks this week, after a spate of earnings estimate upgrades.

FSUGYPositive Net Change RIOPositive Net Change VALEPositive Net Change

John Blank

Play a Rotation to Cyclicals with These Stocks

Financials aren't the only star performers in an improving economy; consumer discretionary stocks should also see a bump in buying.

NTRINo Net Change TCSPositive Net Change

Abhijit Ghosh

HMOs Burn Hot This Summer

This 13-company industry is currently ranked #16 out of 265 industries of Zacks ranks (top 6%). You can't do better than that when there are this many companies inside a given industry.

HUMNegative Net Change AETPositive Net Change ANTMPositive Net Change

John Blank

HMOs Burn Hot This Summer

This 13-company industry is currently ranked #16 out of 265 industries of Zacks ranks (top 6%). You can't do better than that when there are this many companies inside a given industry.

HUMNegative Net Change AETPositive Net Change ANTMPositive Net Change

John Blank

'Global Demand Robust,' Say Plastic Makers

The Chemicals-Plastics industry is ranked 9th out of 265 Zacks Industries.

TSEPositive Net Change KRAPositive Net Change

John Blank

A Yellow Flag Up for Oil Refiners

Oil Refiners currently ranks #15 out of 265 industries in the Zacks Rank system that includes 4400 stocks.

MROPositive Net Change MPCPositive Net Change PSXPPositive Net Change

John Blank

Weak China GDP, Busy China Cell Phones

This month, I noted a big Industry group -- COMPUTER NETWORKS -- is killing it!

INFNPositive Net Change NTCTPositive Net Change CHLNo Net Change

John Blank

Quote Screens Hold Big Money Stocks

Financial exchange operators hold a Zacks Industry Rank of 6 out of 265 industries we track.

INFOPositive Net Change MKTXNegative Net Change NDAQPositive Net Change

John Blank

Industry Rank: Invest in a New Uniform

The latest Zacks Industry Rank offer up a little-known industry at the very top of the charts.

GKPositive Net Change CTASPositive Net Change