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Professional-Grade Zacks Equity Research

At the center of everything we do is a strong commitment to independent research and sharing its profitable discoveries with investors. Today, we're characterized by a team of experts who are passionate about your investing success. And everyone is focused on sharing the same reliable investment research they would want for themselves.

Our firm has long believed that quantitative models (like the Zacks Rank) can predict stock prices more accurately than individual analysts. However, we also recognize that models are most effective when they are employed by analysts who have deep fundamental knowledge of the company and its industry. Consequently Zacks Equity Research combines Zacks quantitative models with the insight provided by experienced equity analysts to create superior long-term stock recommendations.

Our Analyst Recommendations

Zacks Equity Analysts issue recommendations and target prices for each company in their coverage universe based on a six-month time horizon. These are known as the "Zacks Recommendations" and unlike the Zacks Rank, are ranked by a three-point scale:

Outperform Recommendations: We expect these stocks to outperform the broad market indexes over the next six months.

Neutral Recommendations: We expect these stocks to perform in line with the broad market indexes over the next six months.

Underperform Recommendations: We expect these stocks to under-perform the broad market indexes over the next six-months.

What is the Difference Between the Zacks Recommendation and Zacks Rank?

This is the most frequently asked question about Zacks Equity Research. This can be explained on a couple of levels.

1) What is the Purpose of Each Rating?

The Zacks Rank is a short-term indicator of stock performance that is effective for one to three months. The Zacks Recommendation is meant to be a longer-term rating of 6+ months. Each provides valuable insights into the future profitability of a stock and can be used separately or in combination with each other depending on your investment style.

2) How are they created?

The Zacks Rank is purely mathematical. The rank is produced through a daily quantitative process that looks at four factors dealing with earnings estimate revisions and earnings surprises. The ratings are not determined by Wall Street or some agenda, but a powerful timeliness indicator proving effective in predicting stock price movements relative to the market over the next one to three months.(Learn more about the Zacks Rank.)

Zacks Recommendation is our second quantitative model that gives you long-term guidance to stock picking. This stock-rating system is still rooted in earnings estimates and starts with the Zacks Rank, but you also get insight and fresh recommendations from a team of stock analysts who follow industries, talk to company management and more.

The best way to judge the value of the Zacks Recommendation is through performance. On the following page we provide you insight into the performance of both our Outperform and Underperform recommendations versus the S&P 500. We also break it down our recommendations by industry to show our expertise in each field. View Zacks Equity Research Performance.

Learn more about the difference between these two powerful stock ratings systems.

Company Research Reports

We have research reports for more than 4,000 companies. Some are in-depth Analyst reports and some are one-page Snapshot reports. What's the difference? Learn more here.

Zacks Research Resources

Zacks Equity Research Home: All the articles, recommendations and reports from Zacks Equity Research can be found here. Be sure to bookmark this page for future reference.

Quote Page: Zacks Premium members can get the Zacks Recommendation along with the Zacks Rank for stocks on the quote pages of

Portfolio Tracker and Daily Email Updates: Zacks Premium members who track their portfolios on will get daily email updates that provide vital updates, including changes in the Zacks Rank and Zacks Recommendation, for all the stocks you're following. Learn more about the benefits of Zacks Premium membership.