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options: Archive

David Borun

Volatilities are Down, Volumes are Up

Weekly expirations are popular, are they right for your trading strategies?

CBOENegative Net Change

David Borun

Selling Options Responsibly in the "Reddit" Stocks

Sometimes, implied vols are so high, you don't even need all legs of a trade...

GMENegative Net Change

David Borun

Trading Options on the Reddit/Robinhoood Stocks Requires Discipline

Huge moves and huge implied volatilities can wipe out an uninformed speculator in hurry.

AAPLNegative Net Change GMENegative Net Change

David Borun

A Rising VIX Can Be a Buy Signal for Stocks

When traders and investors get nervous and buy options, the worst might already be in the past.

CBOENegative Net Change

David Borun

With Stocks Making New Highs, Traders Should Understand Index Options

Trading options on broad indices can be a more efficient way to buy protection or generate income.

CBOENegative Net Change

David Borun

Cannabis Stocks are Soaring, Options May be Your Best Bet for Profits

Rising implied volatilities can help you time entries and exits for your trades.

GMENegative Net Change AMCNegative Net Change

David Borun

Are You Paying Attention to Pin-Risk?

Understanding contrary exercise can help you find profit and reduce risk around expiration.

GMENegative Net Change

David Borun

A Deeper Look at GameStop Options

Don't let the Fear of Missing Out encourage you to make dumb trades.

GMENegative Net Change

David Borun

Reader Question on Negative Short Rates

Why long puts aren't a good alternative in a negative interest rate environment

CBOENegative Net Change

David Borun

Contrary Exercise Brings Risk and Opportunity

The mechanics concerning which options are automatically exercised can mean the difference between profit and loss.

WFCNegative Net Change

David Borun

Does "Quadruple Witching" Create Options Trading Opportunity?

The inclusion of Tesla could mean big volatility during the biggest derivative expiration of 2020.

CBOENegative Net Change CMENegative Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change SPYNegative Net Change

David Borun

Do Hot IPOs Equal Hot Options Trading Opportunities?

It's been a great year for offerings, but be careful with these volatile new issues.

GOOGNegative Net Change GMNegative Net Change HLTNegative Net Change SPOTPositive Net Change DASHPositive Net Change

David Borun

Ten Monts Later, You Should Still Be Wary About Tesla Options...

Huge options premiums mean that trading Tesla calls and puts are like playing at the high-limit table.

TSLAPositive Net Change

David Borun

You Don't Need To Fear Option Assignments

The exercise of options you are short can actually be a blessing in disguise.

TSLAPositive Net Change

David Borun

Let's Take Another Look at Commodity Options

With demand concerns in Energy and a "flight to safety" in Gold, it's worth considering non-equity derivatives again.

ICEPositive Net Change CMENegative Net Change

David Borun

Dirfferent implied Volatilities on Differnt Strikes. Why?

Modern options pricing models revolutionized speculation and risk-management, but they're also constantly evolving.

CBOENegative Net Change

David Borun

What Does Implied Volatility Really Mean?

How to convert annual volatility figures on short-dated options contracts

CBOENegative Net Change

David Borun

In Uncertain Times, Consider the Protective "Collar"

Protect your gains inexpensively with this spread fairly simple spread trade.

SPYNegative Net Change CBOENegative Net Change

David Borun

Trading Options in an October Like We've Never Seen Before

The October baseball analogy is more appropriate now than it has ever been.

NFLXNegative Net Change

David Borun

SPACs and Direct Offerings Are Becoming More Common

Traders should adjust their assumptions about volatility in these new issues.

PGNegative Net Change NKLANegative Net Change

David Borun

What's the Correct Time Period for Your Options Trades

Long-term options come with complications you might not expect

CBOENegative Net Change

David Borun

Why You Shouldn't Trade In-The-Money Options

Understanding option pricing mechanics will point you to more cost-effective alternatives

CMENegative Net Change CBOENegative Net Change

David Borun

Rising Volatilities Are an Opportunity

Volatility is uncomfortable, but you can make it work for you.

CBOENegative Net Change

David Borun

Apple Stock Split Prompts Significant Changes in the Dow

The world's most widely referenced stock market index will soon swap out 10% of its holdings

XOMNegative Net Change RTXPositive Net Change PFENegative Net Change HONPositive Net Change CRMPositive Net Change AMGNNegative Net Change AAPLNegative Net Change

David Borun

When Share Prices Rise, So Do Options Premiums

Check the price of the straddle as a litmus test about what options are (or aren't) worth.

TSLAPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change GOOGNegative Net Change AMZNNegative Net Change AAPLNegative Net Change