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defense: Archive
Bull Of The Day: Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (KTOS)
by Brian Bolan
This defense contractor is reporting in a couple of weeks and has beaten the Zacks Estimate in each of the last 15 quarters.
KTOSNegative Net Change
Kratos Defense and GSK have been highlighted as Zacks Bull and Bear of the Day
by Zacks Equity Research
Kratos Defense and GSK have been highlighted as Zacks Bull and Bear of the Day.
GSKNegative Net Change IBMNegative Net Change CSCONegative Net Change KTOSNegative Net Change PLTRPositive Net Change
Axon Surges 97.5% in 6 Months: Is the Stock Still Worth Buying?
by Avisekh Bhattacharjee
AXON's strength across its businesses, growth investments and accretive buyouts make it an attractive pick for investors.
TDYNegative Net Change KTOSNegative Net Change AXONNegative Net Change DRSNegative Net Change
aerospace defense
Should Palantir (PLTR) Stock Be in Your Portfolio Going into 2025?
by Shaun Pruitt
Soaring over +300% year to date, investors' may be wondering if Palantir Technologies (PLTR) stock should have a spot in their portfolio as we edge closer to the new year.
PLTRPositive Net Change
artificial-intelligence business-services defense earnings investing
Bear Of The Day: Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII)
by Brian Bolan
Concerns of a cutback in military spending and a recent miss has sent estimates lower for this defense stock.
HIINegative Net Change
BAER Stock Gains Following Q3 Earnings Uptick Y/Y, Gross Margin Down
by Zacks Equity Research
Bridger Aerospace's third-quarter revenues benefit from return-to-service work performed on the four Spanish Super Scoopers and higher flight revenues.
BAERNegative Net Change
aerospace defense earnings
Implied Volatility Surging for Astronics (ATRO) Stock Options
by Zacks Equity Research
Investors need to pay close attention to Astronics (ATRO) stock based on the movements in the options market lately.
ATROPositive Net Change
aerospace defense
Trump Wins: 3 Stocks Poised to Benefit (PLTR, TSLA, TALK)
by Ethan Feller
Palantir, Tesla and Talkspace all boast favorable business developments and Trump aligned catalysts
TSLANegative Net Change PLTRPositive Net Change TALKPositive Net Change
artificial-intelligence defense electric-vehicles software
Bull of the Day: Leidos Holdings (LDOS)
by Bryan Hayes
Increased contract wins from the Pentagon and other US allies have been a primary growth driver for the company.
LDOSNegative Net Change
aerospace artificial-intelligence defense earnings investing large-cap
Is Lockheed Martin the Best Defense Stock to Buy After Middle East Attacks?
by David Bartosiak
Lockheed Martin has been landing contracts left and right for billions of dollars. Is it too late to buy the stock now?
LMTNegative Net Change
Middle East Tensions Rise: Correction Ahead?
by Andrew Rocco
With geopolitical tensions rising and tax selling in full swing, some October volatility is possible. However, Stock Strategist Andrew Rocco explains why its far too early to panic.
LMTNegative Net Change NFLXPositive Net Change FCXPositive Net Change TSLANegative Net Change USONegative Net Change
Is AVAV the Best Drone Stock to Buy?
by David Bartosiak
A big US Army contract is helping AeroVironment take flight.
AVAVNegative Net Change
defense stock-performance
Top Aerospace & Defense Stocks to Consider as We Commemorate 9/11
by Shaun Pruitt
As we commemorate 9/11 these top aerospace and defense stocks may certainly be attractive not only for financial gains but to support and invest in homeland security.
LMTNegative Net Change AIRINegative Net Change PLTRPositive Net Change
artificial-intelligence business-services cybersecurity defense dividends earnings investing
Weekly Option Windfall: How to Play the Outperforming Insurance Sector
by Bryan Hayes
Insurance stocks are beginning to outperform and have displayed relatively little volatility.
AIZNegative Net Change
defense earnings finance insurance
Implied Volatility Surging for CAE Stock Options
by Zacks Equity Research
Investors need to pay close attention to CAE stock based on the movements in the options market lately.
CAEPositive Net Change
aerospace defense
Do Options Traders Know Something About Ducommun (DCO) Stock We Don't?
by Zacks Equity Research
Investors need to pay close attention to Ducommun (DCO) stock based on the movements in the options market lately.
DCONegative Net Change
aerospace defense
10 Reasons to Buy Gold Stocks in 2024
by Andrew Rocco
Volatile global currency markets, geopolitical escalations, and upcoming interest rate cuts are just some of the reasons to be long gold over the next 6-12 months.
JPMPositive Net Change NEMNegative Net Change COSTPositive Net Change AUNegative Net Change GLDNegative Net Change SLVPositive Net Change IBITNegative Net Change
defense gold
Palantir: A Bet on Geopolitical Turmoil & Government Spending
by Andrew Rocco
Palantir is one of the best growth stories on Wall Street. The company should be a big beneficiary of rising geopolitical tensions and rampant government spending.
MSPositive Net Change MRKNegative Net Change PYPLNegative Net Change PLTRPositive Net Change METAPositive Net Change
cybersecurity defense
Q4 U.S. Stock Market Outlook & Road Map
by Andrew Rocco
Though the recent S&P 500 correction is painful for most investors, historical data illustrates that is is in line with historical norms, and a long-term low is close. Nevertheless, evidence shows that there is reason to remain cautious in the short term.
NOCNegative Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change SPYPositive Net Change SMHPositive Net Change VXZPositive Net Change
defense investing semiconductor tech-stocks
3 Stocks to Watch Following Guidance Upgrades: LMT, NOC, CRH
by Derek Lewis
Earnings season continues to roll along, with these three companies delivering bullish guidance following strong results.
LMTNegative Net Change NOCNegative Net Change CRHPositive Net Change
aerospace basic-materials defense earnings
Geopolitics Escalate as Investors Seek Refuge in Defense Industry
by Andrew Rocco
The geopolitical environment is escalating as reports emerge that Ukraine has launched a widespread land attack on Russia. With that in mind, investors can seek refuge in defense juggernauts like Northrop Grumman.
NOCNegative Net Change
aerospace defense
5 Microcaps with Exposure to Defense Spending
by Mark Zinski
Global defense spending is perking up and these 5 microcaps may benefit.
NPKPositive Net Change FEIMPositive Net Change SVTNegative Net Change SYPRNegative Net Change OPXSPositive Net Change
Do Options Traders Know Something About AerSale (ASLE) Stock We Don't?
by Zacks Equity Research
Investors need to pay close attention to AerSale (ASLE) stock based on the movements in the options market lately.
ASLENegative Net Change
aerospace defense
Are Microcaps a Good Proxy for Private Equity?
by Mark Zinski
Here we discuss how microcap stocks can offer a flavor of private equity while also offering some unique advantages.
VLGEAPositive Net Change TAYDNegative Net Change MCEMPositive Net Change
aerospace basic-materials construction defense etfs inflation infrastructure
Defensive Stocks to Consider Amid Jamie Dimon's Concern for a Large Market Correction
by Shaun Pruitt
Often asked for his economic opinion and outlook, JPMorgan Chase (JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon alluded to concerns of a broader economic slowdown and the possibility of a large stock market correction while speaking with Bloomberg on Thursday.
NEEPositive Net Change SONegative Net Change DUKPositive Net Change WMTPositive Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change AUNegative Net Change AEMPositive Net Change GFIPositive Net Change JPMPositive Net Change
artificial-intelligence basic-materials defense dividend-investing dividends e-commerce gold inflation interest-rate investing precious-metals real-estate retail tech-stocks utilities