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ETF Spotlight: Archive

Neena Mishra

Smooth Sailing or a Bumpy Ride Ahead for Shipping ETFs?

Is the worst over for the global shipping industry?

BDRYNo Net Change BWETPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Is the Worst Over for Homebuilder Stocks & ETFs?

Housing stocks are still cheap despite recent rebound. Is it a good time to invest?

PHMPositive Net Change TOLPositive Net Change LENPositive Net Change DHIPositive Net Change NVRPositive Net Change MDCPositive Net Change XHBPositive Net Change ITBPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Tax Efficiency & Trading Tips with ETFs

We also discuss bond ETFs, options trading & market efficiency.

AAPLPositive Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change QQQPositive Net Change SPYPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Invest in Big Banks & Mega-Cap Tech with ETFs

These new ETFs offer concentrated exposure to banking & tech giants.

AMZNPositive Net Change GSPositive Net Change BACPositive Net Change WFCPositive Net Change JPMPositive Net Change MSPositive Net Change CPositive Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change METAPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Is the Worst Over for Chinese Tech Stocks & ETFs?

We discuss investing in technology & e-commerce companies in emerging markets.

TCEHYPositive Net Change MELIPositive Net Change BABAPositive Net Change EMQQPositive Net Change INQQPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Banking Crisis: Implications for ETF Investors

Should investors look for opportunities amid banking turmoil?

JPMPositive Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change KREPositive Net Change IATPositive Net Change PFFAPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

What Lies Ahead for Tech Stocks & ETFs After a Blockbuster Quarter

Tech expert Dan Ives shares his outlook for the sector and favorite stocks.

AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change PANWPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change CRWDPositive Net Change IVESPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

What ETF Investors Need to Know About GICS Changes

What ETF Investors Need to Know About GICS Changes.

MANegative Net Change VNegative Net Change TGTPositive Net Change DGNegative Net Change XLFPositive Net Change XLKPositive Net Change XLPNegative Net Change XLYPositive Net Change VFHPositive Net Change VGTPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Stocks & ETFs for AI, Travel & Green Hydrogen

We discuss the market outlook and some hot thematic ETFs.

AMDPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change DALPositive Net Change RCLPositive Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change HLTPositive Net Change QTUMPositive Net Change HDROPositive Net Change CRUZPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

ETF Strategies to Protect Against Inflation

Recent reports suggest inflation may remain elevated.

AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change ADMPositive Net Change BGPositive Net Change RAAXPositive Net Change IVOLNo Net Change FCPIPositive Net Change INFLPositive Net Change PPINegative Net Change

Neena Mishra

ChatGPT & AI Mania: Stocks & ETFs in Focus

AI stocks have skyrocketed amid the surge of attention around ChatGPT.

AMZNPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change AIPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change BABAPositive Net Change ROBOPositive Net Change BOTZPositive Net Change THNQPositive Net Change BBAIPositive Net Change SOUNPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

What Lies Ahead for Commodity ETFs in 2023

Can the best performing asset class of the past two years reward investors again?

DBAPositive Net Change PDBCPositive Net Change EVMTPositive Net Change PDBAPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Why Bitcoin & Crypto ETFs are Surging

Crypto ETFs, 2022's worst performers, are now top-performing funds year-to-date.

AMDPositive Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change CAMTPositive Net Change BITINegative Net Change BLOKPositive Net Change IMXIPositive Net Change BITFPositive Net Change ARBKPositive Net Change BITOPositive Net Change WGMIPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

10 ETF Ideas for 2023

We discuss best investment themes for the year.

CVXPositive Net Change XOMPositive Net Change VFCNegative Net Change VLOPositive Net Change WBAPositive Net Change SDYPositive Net Change SPYDPositive Net Change MOOPositive Net Change COWZPositive Net Change METAPositive Net Change PDBAPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Top ETF Stories Of 2022 & 2023 Outlook

We discuss last year's biggest stories and what lies ahead.

AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change VTIPositive Net Change VOOPositive Net Change DBMFPositive Net Change JEPIPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Thematic ETF Investing Strategies for 2023

These themes could do well despite challenging economic environment.

ALBPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change PANWPositive Net Change ICLNNegative Net Change LITPositive Net Change PAVEPositive Net Change IFRAPositive Net Change CRWDPositive Net Change IHAKPositive Net Change CNRGPositive Net Change BUGPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

ETF Market Outlook & Investing Strategies for 2023

We discuss the market outlook and investing strategies for 2023.

MMMPositive Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change TSMPositive Net Change WBAPositive Net Change SDYPositive Net Change SPYDPositive Net Change XSDPositive Net Change SPSBPositive Net Change SPSMPositive Net Change BILSPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

ETF Investing Strategies for 2023

We discuss the market outlook and investing strategies for 2023.

JNJNegative Net Change XOMPositive Net Change BRK.BPositive Net Change SHYPositive Net Change IJRPositive Net Change IWDPositive Net Change VEGIPositive Net Change IFRAPositive Net Change IGSBPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Can High Income ETFs Stay Hot in 2023?

Here are some interesting strategies for income investors.

MSFTPositive Net Change UNHNegative Net Change MCDNegative Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change BLOKPositive Net Change DIVOPositive Net Change BATTPositive Net Change NDIVNegative Net Change IDVOPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Is the Worst Over for Housing Stocks & ETFs?

Homebuilder stocks have rebounded this month but still face many challenges.

POOLPositive Net Change PHMPositive Net Change TOLPositive Net Change LENPositive Net Change DHIPositive Net Change WSMPositive Net Change BZHPositive Net Change NVRPositive Net Change TREXPositive Net Change XHBPositive Net Change ITBPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

What Lies Ahead for Energy Stocks & ETFs

Here are some excellent ETF options for investing in the hot energy sector.

CVXPositive Net Change XOMPositive Net Change SLBPositive Net Change HALPositive Net Change OXYPositive Net Change XLEPositive Net Change AMLPPositive Net Change XOPPositive Net Change VDEPositive Net Change OIHPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

How This Trend-Following ETF Surged Over 30% YTD

We discuss managed futures and long-short strategies.

DBMFPositive Net Change DBEHPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

How Midterms Could Impact Your ETF Portfolio

We discuss how investors can navigate potential policy changes after midterm elections.

AAPLPositive Net Change CVXPositive Net Change XOMPositive Net Change NVDAPositive Net Change XLEPositive Net Change XOPPositive Net Change SPYDPositive Net Change XSDPositive Net Change XNTKPositive Net Change CNRGPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

Why Cash Rich Companies, ETFs are Beating the Market

We discuss Cash Cows & Trendpilot ETFs.

REGNPositive Net Change XOMPositive Net Change GILDNegative Net Change OXYPositive Net Change VLOPositive Net Change GCOWPositive Net Change COWZPositive Net Change PTLCPositive Net Change

Neena Mishra

How ETF Investors Can Cope With Market Volatility

We discuss investor pessimism and importance of staying invested.

AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTPositive Net Change TSLAPositive Net Change GOOGLPositive Net Change EQALNegative Net Change ITOTPositive Net Change