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Economic Outlook: Archive

John Blank

Coronavirus: How Bad Will It Get?

As policy measures to contain the disease -- to prevent further illnesses and fatalities -- spread and deepen, it also becomes necessary. Investors must grapple with the degree to which this will affect business activity, both in the U.S. and around the globe.

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John Blank

Coronavirus: How Does It Affect the Global Economy?

For the time being, becoming infected by the regular flu (Influenza) is far more likely in the U.S. ...and deadlier.

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John Blank

Zacks Economic Outlook for 2020

With trade developments (hopefully) in the rear-view mirror, it is prudent in to contemplate a road ahead with less severe scenarios.

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John Blank

Are Fed Rate Cuts Going to Stop the GDP Slowdown?

Will the Fed's latest move be successful in slowing down a deceleration in U.S. GDP growth? That depends on a number of factors.

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John Blank

Once Upon a Time, When Interest Rates Were Above Zero...

The beginning of 2018 marked a brief time period in Interest Rate Land. Interest rates along the U.S. Treasury yield curve were inching higher, and the benchmark 10-year yield was manifesting itself above 3.0%.

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John Blank

U.S. Recession: Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet?

The latest Fed rate cut, the inversion of the U.S. Treasury yield curve and many other leading economic indicators are pointing in one direction only. It appears to be only a matter of time when we get there: a recession.

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John Blank

Fed Rate Cut: Policy Blunder or Strategic Prudence?

One might argue U.S. macro data is right where it should be. Thus, a key question emerges, to critiquing these macroeconomic times: Does an interest rate cut at this stage make sense?

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John Blank

Fed Rate Cut: Policy Blunder or Strategic Prudence?

One might argue U.S. macro data is right where it should be. Thus, a key question emerges, to critiquing these macroeconomic times: Does an interest rate cut at this stage make sense?

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John Blank

Trade War: Are We There Yet (Or Still Sabre-Rattling)?

Given recent developments, one might wonder -- how concerned should investors be? Will all of this ultimately be just noise?

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John Blank

Has the U.S. Economy Shaken Off Recession Concerns?

U.S. quarterly GDP growth rates continue to surprise on the upside. This is leading perma-bear forecasters to push the recession's ETA further into the future.

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John Blank

U.S. Economy: Just Slowing Down or Stalling?

Zacks Economists expect 2019 and 2020 to be characterized by a subdued and moderate -- but steady -- growth path, close to 2.0%.

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John Blank

Q4 GDP Growth at 2.6%, Better than Expected

While weaker than what we forecast (without amending), this is still a robust quarterly growth rate.

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John Blank

Is the Fed Done Raising Rates?

As the FOMC were in the process of reversing multiple years of near zero interest rates, the path back to rate 'normalization' was communicated relatively clearly to the public.

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John Blank

Is the Fed Done Raising Rates?

As the FOMC were in the process of reversing multiple years of near zero interest rates, the path back to rate 'normalization' was communicated relatively clearly to the public.

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John Blank

Is the Fed Done Raising Rates?

As the FOMC were in the process of reversing multiple years of near zero interest rates, the path back to rate 'normalization' was communicated relatively clearly to the public.

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John Blank

Key Themes to Follow Closely in 2019

We acknowledge valid uncertainties around trade wars and rising interest rates. Yet there are solid economic fundamentals across the board.

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John Blank

The Rodney Dangerfield Economy Persists

It still "can't get no respect" from the stock market. Zacks Chief Strategist John Blank explains.

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John Blank

Is 3%+ GDP Growth Sustainable, or Have We Peaked?

Proponents of the recent the economic courses of action argue the latest numbers are evidence of well-designed policies. Opponents question their sustainability.

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John Blank

Fed Drops 'Accommodative' from Verbiage

This indicates we might be close to its 'neutral' rate. Where do we go from here?

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John Blank

Do Deficits Matter?

July marked the biggest increase in the U.S. trade deficit in 3 years. This occurred as the domestic economy continues to grow stronger, while demand abroad has weakened.

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John Blank

Do Deficits Matter?

July marked the biggest increase in the U.S. trade deficit in 3 years. This occurred as the domestic economy continues to grow stronger, while demand abroad has weakened.

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Mark Vickery

U.S. GDP Growth for Q2 Clocks in at 4.1%

Is this the new normal, or is there a fly in the ointment?

John Blank

What Do 'Normal' Interest Rates Look Like?

Is it a Fed Funds rate close to the real neutral interest rate, now at 2.9%, is it an unemployment rate close to the NAIRU, or is it something else?

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John Blank

Is the Phillips Curve the 'Loch Ness Monster' of Macroeconomics?

Is the inverse data relationship between higher consumer inflation as a consequence of a lower overall unemployment rate actually as robust as assumed?

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John Blank

Are Higher Interest Rates a Threat to the Market?

Interest rates increase, stock markets decline and recession follows... is it that simple?

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